Bus Ticket Price

Search for Online Bus Ticket

Feb 2025
Feb 2025

Know More on Bus Ticket Prices

For those who need to travel by bus or shuttle and need info on bus ticket prices, bus ticket price discounts, and bus ticket promo prices, there is now one site and application that facilitates of these.

redBus, Indonesia is a complete portal for buying bus tickets and offers a large selection of bus operators for you. Of course, all the AKAP buses and shuttles you subscribe to or that you want to try can be booked via redBus, Indonesia. 

In addition to this, the simple steps can make you addicted to book bus tickets via redBus, Indonesia. 

You only need to take these quick steps:

  • Enter your departure point and arrival point, then enter your travel dates. Click the "Search Bus" button.
  • You will be given a list of bus operators available for your date and route. You can filter again by using the filter options on the left side of the screen.
  • You can also sort bus operators based on the Departure point, Arrival Point, Rating, and Price.
  • If you are happy with the bus fare, the bus operator, departure point, and departure time, click on "View Seat."
  • After you click on the seat you want, you will be directed to payment and confirm the order.
  • To get cheap bus ticket prices, bus ticket price discounts, and bus ticket promo prices, redBus is the right place for you. Come on, check the bus ticket prices to some of your favorite destinations in Java that can be booked via redBus, Indonesia. With convenient and adequate facilities for each bus operator, you can get very affordable bus ticket prices! 

redBus always provides the best bus ticket price discounts and bus ticket promo prices. Besides, redBus also provides an attractive cashback program! When you use redBus for the first time, you can save up to 100% on your first order! Yes, by using the booking code NEW, you can get a 25% discount + 50,000 cashback. In addition to this, all redBus users can also use the code PAKAILAGI to get a 10% discount plus a 30,000 cashback. Certainly, tempting discount codes like this will be offered even more by redBus. So, download the application on your mobile, so you don't miss out on anything!

Table for Bus Ticket Prices

Berangkat dariMenujuOperator Bus Harga
Jakarta SurabayaSinar Jaya Executive AC250.000 – 270.000
Jakarta SurabayaPahala Kencana VIP AC280.000 – 300.000
Jakarta BandungJackal Holidays/Big Bird/ Baraya Travel/X-Trans/(Shuttle/ELF Executive) 60.000 – 130.000
Jakarta SemarangPutera Mulya Executive AC / Putra Pelita Jaya VIP AC / Harapan Jaya VIP AC175.000 – 225.000

Bus Ticket Prices and Payment Methods

redBus always provides the best prices, bus ticket prices, and bus ticket prices. In addition, in addition, RedBus also provides an attractive cashback program, you know! For the first time you try RedBus, you can save up to 100% on your first order. What? Yes, by using a NEW booking code, you can get a 25% discount + 50,000 cash. In addition, for all redBus users, you can also use the PAKAILAGI code to get a 10% discount plus a 30,000 refund. Surely these discount codes will be prepared even more by redBus. So, let's download the application on your cellphone so you don't want to miss any info.

There is no reason for not booking bus tickets via redBus, Indonesia. You can also enjoy other flexible options which will definitely make the booking easier for you, such as easily canceling orders and getting refunds, being able to see bus operator ratings from other passengers, and payment options ranging from bank transfers, credit cards, virtual banking, through GoPAY and OVO, or through Alfamart and Indomaret. 

You can also complete all the processes only through your mobile application. When getting an electronic ticket or mobile ticket, you don't need to bother printing it. Just show the ticket directly from your cellphone when boarding the bus. Come on, download the redBus, Indonesia app on mobile to make it easier for you to get the best bus ticket prices.