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Feb 2025
Feb 2025

Check Bus Ticket Prices for Your Bus Travels in Indonesia

Many of us prefer to travel by bus or shuttle daily. Be it long or short routes, with redBus Indonesia, you can book bus tickets online hassle-free. However, getting a handy guide on bus ticket prices when you search for “ buy bus tickets online” will make the whole process smooth and easy.

If you want to check bus ticket prices across routes and buy bus tickets online, redBus is the right place for you. On redBus Indonesia, you can make bus ticket bookings online with a wide array of bus operators to choose from. We have listed the bus ticket prices for some of the most loved destinations on the island of Java, which can be ordered via redBus.id. With comfortable and adequate bus facilities, redBus makes it easy for you to find the most affordable bus ticket prices!

Bus Ticket Prices on Popular Long Routes

Route Popular Bus OperatorsTicket Price Range
Palembang - Jakarta Pahala Kencana, Lorena, Kramat Djati Jakarta Rp 200.000 - 320.000
Jakarta - Bali Pahala Kencana, Lorena, Kramat Djati JakartaRp 470.000 - 635.000
Surabaya - Jakarta Sinar Jaya, DAMRI, Pahala Kencana, Harapan Jaya, HaryantoRp 200.000 - 430.000
Jakarta - Malang DAMRI, Harapan Jaya, Mayora Trans Rp 280.000 - 415.000
Surabaya - Bali Tiara Mas, MG Travel Rp 200.000 - 300.000
Pekanbaru - Medan NPM Rp 230.000
Padang - Jakarta SEMBODO, NPM, Transport Jaya Rp 425.000 - 675.000
Jambi - Jakarta Lorena Rp 555.000
Jogja - BaliWisata Komodo, Safari Dharma Raya Rp 290.000 - 350.000

Bus Ticket Prices on Popular Short Routes

Route Bus OperatorsPrice
Jakarta - Bandung Day Trans, Jackal Holidays, Cititrans, Baraya TravelRp 135.000
Bogor-Bandung Lintas Shuttle , Aragon Shuttle, Sinar Shuttle Rp 99.000 - 130.000
Jakarta - Semarang Sinar Jaya, Harapan Jaya, Haryanto Rp 100.000 - 400.000
Jogja - Semarang Sabila Shuttle, Day Trans Rp 70.000 - 130.000
Bekasi - Bandung Areon Trans, Lintas Shuttle, Day Trans Rp 67.500 - 115.000
Jogja - Jakarta Sinar Jaya, Sumber Alam, Handayo Rp 140.000 - 330.000
Depok - Bandung Aragon Shuttle, Lintas Shuttle Rp 65.000 - 125.000
Semarang - Purwokerto Aragon Shuttle Rp 80.000 - 135.000
Semarang - Solo Kencana Travel, Cititrans Rp 55.000 - 130.000

Buy Bus Tickets Hassle-free

Ticket prices for travel routes mostly depend on the class of bus being boarded and the bus operator. Be it shuttle bus booking, bus ticket prices for Sinar Jaya buses or bus ticket prices for Haryanto buses, redBus always provides the most reasonable rates when you buy bus tickets online.

Apart from that, redBus also provides an attractive cashback program, you know! For those trying redBus for the first time, you can save up to 100% on your first order. What? Using the NEW booking code can get you a 25% discount + 20,000 cashback. In addition, for all existing redBus users, you can use the code PAKAILAGI to get a 10% discount plus 10,000 cashback. Of course, more tempting discount codes like this will be prepared by redBus in the future. So, there is no other reason not to order bus ticket prices via redBus.id.

You can also enjoy additional flexibility that will certainly make it easier for you, such as quickly canceling orders and getting refunds, being able to see bus operator ratings from other users, and payment flexibility ranging from bank transfers, credit cards, virtual banking, to via GoPAY and OVO. or Alfamart and Indomaret.

Book Bus Tickets On redbus.id at Cheaper Than Counter Prices

Streamline your bus ticket booking experience with redBus.id, eliminating the need to physically visit ticket counters and wait in queues. Enjoy the convenience of reserving tickets from the comfort of your home, avoiding the necessity to come in person. Experience the unparalleled advantage of booking bus tickets at prices cheaper than counter rates and maximize your savings exclusively on redBus.id. Benefit from a direct 25% discount on your bookings, ensuring significant savings on your travel expenses.

At redBus.id, we redefine the way you book bus tickets, making it not just a transaction but a rewarding experience where you save more and travel smarter.

Come on, just download the redBus.id application on your cellphone to make it easier for you to get reasonable bus ticket prices when you buy bus tickets online every time for your bus travels!


How much does a bus cost in Indonesia?
The bus ticket prices vary depending on the amenities and the type of bus. Buses with standard amenities are cheaper than luxury coaches. The prices are also dependent on the route. You can find Economy buses, shuttle buses and luxury buses. The ticket price may be as low as Rp 50.000 and may go upto Rp 200.000 as per the amenities and route.
How much does public transport cost in Jakarta?
Public transport, including buses, are relatively cheaper and a budget-friendly way to travel or commute. The average cost for a one-way ticket in public transport based on 3 price points would be around Rp 3,794 in Jakarta. If you are visiting Indonesia on a tight budget, use intercity buses. Book bus tickets online on redBus and save more with our promo codes and discounts.
Can I check availability and bus ticket prices without buying bus tickets online?
Yes. You can check the seat availability and bus ticket prices on the redBus app and website for your preferred route without purchasing tickets or entering any personal information.
When can I buy bus tickets?
Depending on the PO, you can buy bus tickets 3 months in advance and one day before the travel date. However, this also is a factor of seat availability.
How can I access redBus via mobile?
Download the redBus app on Google Playstore (for Android) and App Store (for iOS). Install the redBus application on your cellphone and find various interesting promos you can enjoy. The functions of origin city, destination city, choice of the bus operator, and schedule selection can also be easily accessed through the redBus mobile application.